Thursday, 12 November 2020

Wednesday, 22 July 2020

Good hygine habits

In class, we have been learning how to be hygienic.

Friday, 19 June 2020

winter writing.

In the distance I can see a tall white snowy mountain. I can see my reflection from the water. I got really tired but I still carried on [ one hour later] I made it by the time I got there the mountain was shaking like an earthquake and it blasted snow like a water gun. I ran as fast as I could but the blew on my face and I fell.

Friday, 12 June 2020

Te Reo poster

bye Chistian

This is all the photos we did on Chistian last day at school

Thursday, 11 June 2020

winter poetry

When it is winter people get sick

In winter there are a lot of icicles on the tree

Now it is winter. The 1st of June is when winter starts

The way the wind blows it is making me col

Every winter person drinks hot cocoa

Raining days are the worst cause it is cold

Friday, 22 May 2020

My Bounce Back Animation......!

Hello, Welcome to my animation about bounce back. Before you watch I would like to say a few things about this Title. When people are bully you or one person, never give up keep striving till you have succeeded.

Keep at it, and Hope you enjoy..... :))))


Tuesday, 12 May 2020

Happy Mothers Day

On mother's day we cooked a pig,otai,potato salad and crab salad. It took really long to cook the pig. Do you want to know what was in the otai so the things that were in the otai were mango,apple,coconut,passion fruit , And Ice Cream

Friday, 8 May 2020

Having lots of fun in lock down

This is me and my family playing volley ball,lape and cricket

Thursday, 7 May 2020

My white Sunday

This picture is me at church  with my friends at church 

Wednesday, 6 May 2020

My dinner

This is what I made for my dinner with my family what I had was spinach,cream ,pork bone and chicken heart 

Mothers day card

Dear mum I love you with all my heart I love the way you look after me when I am sick from your daughter Tasmah . 

Friday, 1 May 2020

My math work


Sia plants 10 kumara plants in rows of 5. How many rows will there be? 2

Sia plants 25 kumara plants in rows of 5. How many rows will there be?5

Sia plants 50 kumara plants in rows of 5. How many rows will there be?10


Joseph is putting 12 eggs into boxes. Each box holds 6 eggs. How many boxes will he need to hold all the eggs?2

Joseph is putting 24 eggs into boxes. Each box holds 6 eggs. How many boxes will he need to hold all the eggs?4

Joseph is putting 48 eggs into boxes. Each box holds 6 eggs. How many boxes will he need to hold all the eggs?8

Thursday, 30 April 2020

my work

The sentences below are sick and need fixing! 
Fix the spelling and grammar mistakes.

  1. 1.The cat ran across the road to get to the other side.

  1.  2.The old man went to the supermarket to buy some food.

  1. 3.I miss going to school and seeing all my friends.

  1. 4.My favourite subject at school is writing.

  1. 5.The bird flew through the sky and landed on a tree.

  1. 6.I went for a walk with my family to get some fresh air.

  1. 7.I went to the park and saw lots of kids playing.

  1. 8.I went to the movies and got popcorn to eat

  1. 9.I have been playing lots of fun games with my family at home

  1. 10.I love doing work on my Chromebook

Thursday, 23 April 2020

Anzac cookies

                      Today I was Baking Anzac                                                 Cookies 

100g softened
butter (plus extra for
2 tablespoons of
boiling water
85g desiccated coconut
1 teaspoon bicarbonate
of soda
100g caster sugar
100g plain flour
85g porridge oats
2 tablespoons golden
Anzac  Biscuits        
1. Put the sugar, flour, oats and coconut in a
bowl, then mix well.
2. Melt the butter in a small pan and stir in the
golden syrup.
3. Add 2 tablespoons of boiling water to the
bicarbonate of soda , then stir into the butter
and golden syrup mixture.
4. Gently pour and stir the butter and golden
syrup mixture into the bowl with sugar, flour,
oats and coconut.
5. Spoon dessert spoonfuls of the mixture on to
buttered baking sheets.
6. Bake for 8-10 minutes until golden, then
tranfer to wire rack to cool.


Thursday, 16 April 2020

Questionnaire about lock down

1.What have you been doing for the past 2 weeks?
Cleaning, washing and looking after my baby brother.

2.How are you feeling?
Sad because  I do not get to play outside and not happy because  I can’t see my friends.

3.What do you miss the most since lock down started?
What I miss the most is my  school.

4.What has been your favourite game/activity you have been doing at home?
My favourite game is Interland, studyladder.
5. What is your favourite food you have been eating during lock down?
My favourite is corn flakes ,rice tuna and fruits.

Tuesday, 17 March 2020

Autumn Poem

Autumn is a cold and windy season.
Under trees the birds tweet like sing.
Trees  are tall and have lots and lots of leaves.
Under my feet the crunchy leaves.
March 1st is when the leaves fall down.
Now you know about Autumn.

Thursday, 12 March 2020

Tamaki area poster

I used google draw to create a poster about important places in Tamaki

Thursday, 5 March 2020

Wednesday, 4 March 2020

Thursday, 27 February 2020

My Pepeha 2020

Ko Mt Wellington toku maunga
Ko Tamaki toku awa
No Panmure ahau
Ko Mafua toku papa
 Ko Marryan toku mama
Ko Tukuafua toku whanau 
Ko Glenbrae toku kura

Ko Ruapotaka toku marae

Ko Tasmah toku ingoa
Image result for maori flag